This week the President announced that he plans to propose new regulations on car emissions and mileage per gallon, as if the U.S. car companies didn't have enough problems without the government further restricting their options. This is another in a series of increasingly troubling instances of the President trying to impose his worldview on the rest of us. "I don't like X, therefore, I'm going to make it illegal."
It would be hard for this carefully orchestrated power grab to be any more obvious. Just look at the chain of events: the government provides automakers with bailout money, then under the uise of "protecting their investment" the CEO of GM is sacked, not by the shareholders or the board of directors but by the President of the United States. Now it seems that the coup is complete, in that the President now is planning to set all the rules for these "private" companies.
Naturally, few if any automakers will be able to make a profit under such stringent regulations, and so the Federal Government will seize the opportunity to jump in and run the whole shooting match, complete with huge subsidies, corresponding tax hikes and the elimination of all competition and consumer choice.
If any of you bleeding hearts out there are still laboring under the delusion that his healthcare plan will be any different, then I fear you are beyond help. When the government controls healthcare, they will be able to enact similar regulations on our lifestyles on the grounds of "protecting their investment." That means no more McDonald's, no more cigarettes, no more alcohol, no more sleeping late on weekends, no more television (except for propaganda purposes naturally), an end to anything Big Brother deems bad for us.
Many of you will no doubt complain that I am exaggerating and engaging in wild and unfounded speculation. Perhaps I am and, for all our sake, I hope so. But this sort of thing has happened before in history, and if you follow the current trends to their logical conclusion,
the future looks bleak indeed. Wake up and defend your freedom of choice before it is too late.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Don't Apologize
We see it over and over again, day after day. Practically every time you turn on the news, someone is asking someone else to apologize for something they said. This is a phenomenon that transcends political parties, race and gender, and it is a very foolish and misguided way of waging the battle of ideas.
There is a specific chain of faulty reasoning that can be pointed to here: "I am offended by what you said, therefore you should apologize." Not only does this miss the mark on the true purpose of apologies, a very noble and praiseworthy purpose I might add, but it effectively renders impotent a rather useful linguistic and social tool.
An apology is (or rather, was) used as a way of expressing regret and contrition for some act of wrongdoing. The entire point of such an admission is lost if it is issued under coercion or fear of reprisal. An apology is only worth making,or hearing,if it is voluntary and therefore sincere.
What I fail to understand is why anyone would want to receive an apology that is a blatant lie. Do such empty words really make people feel less offended, or that they have gained something? If you know the apology is insincere, doesn't that just add insult to injury?
Let me give an example from the news. As my readers will recall, comedian Jeneane Garofalo recently stated on MSNBC that all participants in the tax day Tea Parties were racists. This is obviously an ignorant and offensive statement, and she was asked to apologize. She refused, and for that, at least, I applaud her. Now let's be clear, I have no use for Garofalo, and I believe she has shown herself to be a hateful and uninformed person by her comments, but if she truly believes what she says, as I think she does, then she has nothing to be sorry for. One should never apologize for stating their heartfelt opinions, however stupid they may be.
As things stand, I think Garofalo a fool, but I don't think her a coward. This in contrast with the legions of politicians who have apologized under political pressure rather than because they were truly sorry. When you cave in to threats from the media or even public opinion, you will not make them like you, you merely add "lack of integrity"to the list of reasons why they didn't like you in the first place.
So don't apologize.Stand by your beliefs, however unpopular or politically incorrect they may be. You may not earn much love, but you will certainly earn respect, for the man of integrity is a rare one indeed.
There is a specific chain of faulty reasoning that can be pointed to here: "I am offended by what you said, therefore you should apologize." Not only does this miss the mark on the true purpose of apologies, a very noble and praiseworthy purpose I might add, but it effectively renders impotent a rather useful linguistic and social tool.
An apology is (or rather, was) used as a way of expressing regret and contrition for some act of wrongdoing. The entire point of such an admission is lost if it is issued under coercion or fear of reprisal. An apology is only worth making,or hearing,if it is voluntary and therefore sincere.
What I fail to understand is why anyone would want to receive an apology that is a blatant lie. Do such empty words really make people feel less offended, or that they have gained something? If you know the apology is insincere, doesn't that just add insult to injury?
Let me give an example from the news. As my readers will recall, comedian Jeneane Garofalo recently stated on MSNBC that all participants in the tax day Tea Parties were racists. This is obviously an ignorant and offensive statement, and she was asked to apologize. She refused, and for that, at least, I applaud her. Now let's be clear, I have no use for Garofalo, and I believe she has shown herself to be a hateful and uninformed person by her comments, but if she truly believes what she says, as I think she does, then she has nothing to be sorry for. One should never apologize for stating their heartfelt opinions, however stupid they may be.
As things stand, I think Garofalo a fool, but I don't think her a coward. This in contrast with the legions of politicians who have apologized under political pressure rather than because they were truly sorry. When you cave in to threats from the media or even public opinion, you will not make them like you, you merely add "lack of integrity"to the list of reasons why they didn't like you in the first place.
So don't apologize.Stand by your beliefs, however unpopular or politically incorrect they may be. You may not earn much love, but you will certainly earn respect, for the man of integrity is a rare one indeed.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
When Common Sense Goes Wrong
The drum being beaten incessantly by both the White House and the Media has been sending out the same message, day and night, since November: Conservatism is dead. The free market has failed and Americans have, for the first time in history, wholeheartedly embraced the principles and values of Liberalism. Or so they would have you believe.
The truth is, most Americans don't know what those values and principles really are. Liberalism is an easy sell, because it sounds nice. We want everyone to be equal, we want to help the poor , we want to help the environment, we want to help the elderly, we want to help the disabled, we want to help everybody and most importantly, we want to help you! Sounds good, doesn't it? Vote for me.
The trouble is that most Americans aren't politically aware enough to know what these platitudes imply, and even if they are, their common sense gets in the way. Now wait a minute (one may wonder), how is common sense a problem? Allow me to explain.
Most people have lots of common sense, which is good. Common sense is what keeps our feet on the ground and helps us not to make ridiculously stupid decisions. However, many politicians, academics and policy makers have little to none of this precious quality, and this is where problems arise. The lack of common sense in people who hold elite positions of power leads to some truly insane laws and regulations. Let me give you a real life example.
Dr. John Muney is a successful New York doctor who wants to offer uninsured patients a flat rate of of $79 a month for all preventative check ups and minor treatments including some surgeries. Sounds nice, right? Well, the state of New York says "no." According to the law, he MUST charge more than this. I have neither the time nor the inclination to go into detail about this stupid law, but if you're interested you can read more here.
Now an ordinary person, when exposed to a story of this level of stupidity, has a natural impulse to dismiss it as untrue. They assume it is the wild rantings of some conservative Chicken Little proclaiming that the sky is falling and get on with their day. In most situations, this is a healthy and productive reaction but, unfortunately, not when dealing with politicians. I have tried to alert many friends to news stories that I find alarming, and in almost every case they simply refuse to believe the facts. Their common sense tendency to disregard information that seems irrational or absurd is causing their brains to shut out the typical behaviour of an average member of congress.
It is my sincere opinion that if most people knew, or believed, even a fraction of what their elected officials actively advocate, the Democrats would never win another election. The country hasn't moved left, Liberals have just started to push an agenda that is so mind-blowingly nuts that no sane person can believe that's what they really want. It's actually a brilliant strategy, but it will only work until the changes they make start to directly affect people's lives in a way that's impossible to ignore. Keep your eyes open, it may happen sooner than you think.
The truth is, most Americans don't know what those values and principles really are. Liberalism is an easy sell, because it sounds nice. We want everyone to be equal, we want to help the poor , we want to help the environment, we want to help the elderly, we want to help the disabled, we want to help everybody and most importantly, we want to help you! Sounds good, doesn't it? Vote for me.
The trouble is that most Americans aren't politically aware enough to know what these platitudes imply, and even if they are, their common sense gets in the way. Now wait a minute (one may wonder), how is common sense a problem? Allow me to explain.
Most people have lots of common sense, which is good. Common sense is what keeps our feet on the ground and helps us not to make ridiculously stupid decisions. However, many politicians, academics and policy makers have little to none of this precious quality, and this is where problems arise. The lack of common sense in people who hold elite positions of power leads to some truly insane laws and regulations. Let me give you a real life example.
Dr. John Muney is a successful New York doctor who wants to offer uninsured patients a flat rate of of $79 a month for all preventative check ups and minor treatments including some surgeries. Sounds nice, right? Well, the state of New York says "no." According to the law, he MUST charge more than this. I have neither the time nor the inclination to go into detail about this stupid law, but if you're interested you can read more here.
Now an ordinary person, when exposed to a story of this level of stupidity, has a natural impulse to dismiss it as untrue. They assume it is the wild rantings of some conservative Chicken Little proclaiming that the sky is falling and get on with their day. In most situations, this is a healthy and productive reaction but, unfortunately, not when dealing with politicians. I have tried to alert many friends to news stories that I find alarming, and in almost every case they simply refuse to believe the facts. Their common sense tendency to disregard information that seems irrational or absurd is causing their brains to shut out the typical behaviour of an average member of congress.
It is my sincere opinion that if most people knew, or believed, even a fraction of what their elected officials actively advocate, the Democrats would never win another election. The country hasn't moved left, Liberals have just started to push an agenda that is so mind-blowingly nuts that no sane person can believe that's what they really want. It's actually a brilliant strategy, but it will only work until the changes they make start to directly affect people's lives in a way that's impossible to ignore. Keep your eyes open, it may happen sooner than you think.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Courting a Justice
This week, it was announced that Supreme Court Justice David Souter will be retiring this summer. This, of course, gives the President his first opportunity to nominate a justice, perhaps the most important decision any president can make during his term, short of going to war. The choice will help shape the direction of the country and its laws for decades to come.
Naturally, with such an important office, the President will want to be careful with his selection. There has already been much speculation about who the lucky nominee might be, but considering the power and influence that these Justices hold, the debate has taken a somewhat peculiar turn.
Now, if I were in the President's shoes, I would want to appoint the most qualified person I could find, someone who would follow the constitution, rule objectively and not let personal feelings interfere with the very impersonal business of the law. These are qualities I consider essential for a good judge. However, much of the discussion I have heard thus far focuses not on these aspects of judgment, character or ability, but rather on a substantially different criterion altogether.
This is what Joy Behar said on the May 1st episode of Larry King Live: "Don't you think it's time for a Hispanic or a Latin American or a[n] African American woman to be put in the place of Souter?"
Now I know Behar is supposed to be a comedian, but she clearly wasn't joking here, and I have heard this sentiment echoed more than once in the short time since Souter announced his retirement. This is a perfect example of the kind of thinking that's destroying America. Liberals are always quick to brand conservatives as "racists," but conservatives aren't the ones suggesting that the most powerful judges in the world be selected based on their race or gender.
Suppose a white man turns out to be the most qualified person for the job. Who in their right mind would suggest denying him the position simply because of his color? We may be able to overlook the unfairness and silliness of Affirmative Action when it comes to fast food workers and low level bureaucrats, but in the case of the United States Supreme Court, such an idea amounts to nothing less than stark raving lunacy. I can only hope that the President ignores these kinds of comments and selects someone with the appropriate qualifications (not you, Harold Koh,) yet it will almost certainly be someone who shares his own ideology.
Souter has turned out to vote rather to the left of center, which means that a far left pick by the president would have little impact on the court's overall balance. The surprising thing is that a liberal like Souter was appointed by George H. W. Bush. Now, it's possible that Bush simply made a mistake in his vetting process, and believed he was getting a more conservative judge, but I see it as a testament to the fact that Republicans have historically been more willing to compromise and reach across the aisle than have their Democratic counterparts. To clarify, I'm not applauding this tendency, but rather lamenting it. Compromise got the Republicans John McCain and it got them massive spending increases throughout the previous administration, neither of which have worked out well for them. In this respect the Democrats have been much smarter, and I fear the new President's Supreme Court pick will continue this trend.
We can only hope he honors his campaign promise and does make his selection in a genuinely bipartisan way. I, for one, won't be holding my breath.
Naturally, with such an important office, the President will want to be careful with his selection. There has already been much speculation about who the lucky nominee might be, but considering the power and influence that these Justices hold, the debate has taken a somewhat peculiar turn.
Now, if I were in the President's shoes, I would want to appoint the most qualified person I could find, someone who would follow the constitution, rule objectively and not let personal feelings interfere with the very impersonal business of the law. These are qualities I consider essential for a good judge. However, much of the discussion I have heard thus far focuses not on these aspects of judgment, character or ability, but rather on a substantially different criterion altogether.
This is what Joy Behar said on the May 1st episode of Larry King Live: "Don't you think it's time for a Hispanic or a Latin American or a[n] African American woman to be put in the place of Souter?"
Now I know Behar is supposed to be a comedian, but she clearly wasn't joking here, and I have heard this sentiment echoed more than once in the short time since Souter announced his retirement. This is a perfect example of the kind of thinking that's destroying America. Liberals are always quick to brand conservatives as "racists," but conservatives aren't the ones suggesting that the most powerful judges in the world be selected based on their race or gender.
Suppose a white man turns out to be the most qualified person for the job. Who in their right mind would suggest denying him the position simply because of his color? We may be able to overlook the unfairness and silliness of Affirmative Action when it comes to fast food workers and low level bureaucrats, but in the case of the United States Supreme Court, such an idea amounts to nothing less than stark raving lunacy. I can only hope that the President ignores these kinds of comments and selects someone with the appropriate qualifications (not you, Harold Koh,) yet it will almost certainly be someone who shares his own ideology.
Souter has turned out to vote rather to the left of center, which means that a far left pick by the president would have little impact on the court's overall balance. The surprising thing is that a liberal like Souter was appointed by George H. W. Bush. Now, it's possible that Bush simply made a mistake in his vetting process, and believed he was getting a more conservative judge, but I see it as a testament to the fact that Republicans have historically been more willing to compromise and reach across the aisle than have their Democratic counterparts. To clarify, I'm not applauding this tendency, but rather lamenting it. Compromise got the Republicans John McCain and it got them massive spending increases throughout the previous administration, neither of which have worked out well for them. In this respect the Democrats have been much smarter, and I fear the new President's Supreme Court pick will continue this trend.
We can only hope he honors his campaign promise and does make his selection in a genuinely bipartisan way. I, for one, won't be holding my breath.
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